Download the file browser integration script for Linux, extract it and start it:
bunzip2 < jacksum-*.bz2 | tar xfv -
cd jacksum-file-browser-integration/
The interactive script will help you to install (and uninstall) features
of Jacksum at Caja, Dolphin,
Konqueror, Krusader,
Nautilus, Nemo, ROX-Filer,
Thunar and Xfe.
The screenshot below has been taken on Ubuntu 14.04.
The screenshot shows Jacksum integrated as a component in Konqueror on SUSE Linux 10:
The homepage of Krusader is
The screenshot shows Jacksum integrated as a component in Krusader on Ubuntu 12.04:
Die Homepage von Dolphin ist
The screenshot shows Jacksum integrated as a component in Dolphin on Ubuntu 12.04:
Die Homepage von Nautilus ist
The screenshot shows Jacksum integrated as a component in Nautilus onUbuntu Linux 5.10:
Die Homepage des ROX-Filers ist
The screenshot shows Jacksum integrated as a component in ROX-Filer 2.6.1 on Puppy Linux 4.3.1. The SendTo menu is easily opened by right-clicking over a file with the Shift key held down.
Hint: on Puppy Linux the /usr/local/bin/java binary is incompatible to the Java Standard. Install a Java Standard compatible Runtime Environment, the OpenJDK for example.