Integration of Jacksum in a file browser on GNU/Linux

Download the file browser integration script for Linux, extract it and start it:

bunzip2 < jacksum-*.bz2 | tar xfv -
cd jacksum-file-browser-integration/

The interactive script will help you to install (and uninstall) features of Jacksum at Caja, Dolphin, Konqueror, Krusader, Nautilus, Nemo, ROX-Filer, Thunar and Xfe.

The screenshot below has been taken on Ubuntu 14.04.

Jacksum on Ubuntu

Jacksum in aktion

KDE Konqueror

The homepage of Konqueror is

The screenshot shows Jacksum integrated as a component in Konqueror on SUSE Linux 10:

Jacksum im KDE Konqueror


The homepage of Krusader is

The screenshot shows Jacksum integrated as a component in Krusader on Ubuntu 12.04:

Jacksum on Krusader


Die Homepage von Dolphin ist

The screenshot shows Jacksum integrated as a component in Dolphin on Ubuntu 12.04:

Jacksum on Dolphin

Gnome Nautilus

Die Homepage von Nautilus ist

The screenshot shows Jacksum integrated as a component in Nautilus onUbuntu Linux 5.10:

Jacksum in Gnome Nautilus


Die Homepage des ROX-Filers ist

The screenshot shows Jacksum integrated as a component in ROX-Filer 2.6.1 on Puppy Linux  4.3.1. The SendTo menu is easily opened by right-clicking over a file with the Shift key held down.

Hint: on Puppy Linux the /usr/local/bin/java binary is incompatible to the Java Standard. Install a Java Standard compatible Runtime Environment, the OpenJDK for example.

Jacksum on ROX-Filer